The school census of 2010 took place in the range between the streets Leandro N: Alem east, west Carlos Pellegrini, South Avenue and north Constituents Beron de Astrada, the town of Willow.
To carry out the census was taken the form of distribution of two apples to each teacher for home visits, with teachers responsible for coordinating the low enrollment levels of students.
After an analysis of information obtained shows that a total of 93 (ninety three) students actually attend other schools away from the radio school of this institution and 6 (six) students of school age are outside the education system, for these cases management has new home visit and subsequent report to the judge and authorities. Students mostly migrated for various reasons, testifying in interviews that some of the causes attending other institutions are: High school that other schools have, mobility (as students take their cars), distances, others.
In the interview teachers were greeted with kindness, and tutors provided all information requested, expressing interest in the efforts of the school to create training spaces in the community because there is a significant number of young people who are to school and can not be inserted in the workplace, so that skills training would respond to a need in the neighborhood.
is found that housing conditions are very poor and overcrowded living.
In general, most parents have no permanent job, just as day laborers. Most took steps to recover the universal child allowance.