Thursday, April 2, 2009

How Do They Rebuild Snowmachine Crankshafts

UNDERWEAR!! 2.4 meters long .... SALAMANCA

What would happen if you cut your hair for 36 years?? Well you would grow to reach 2.4 meters long .... As

Every Woman Knows, a bad hair day dog \u200b\u200bEntire pretty much ruin your mood. But for Chenq

Shiquin, They Must Be Devastating.

Shiquin owns a beauty parlor - But somehow she has managed to Avoid Having a haircut for the last 16 years. Pictured

He Was Showing off her hair - which is eight feet long - in south-west China's Chongqing municipality this week.

It takes her two hours to wash her hair and another hour to comb it.

Despite the extreme lengths Shiquin has gone to in order to achieve her long locks, she does not hold the record for the world's longest hair.

That title belongs to another Chinese woman - Xie Qiuping of Guangxi province.

Her hair is a mind-boggling ten feet longer than Shiquin's, measuring 18.5ft in 2004.

She began growing it in 1973 at the age of 13.


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