Pictured, from left to right Breasts: Standard, Charo, Yolanda and Dalma. Thank
CLAYSS and the Ministry of Education that enabled our participation.
We were proud to see on the screen of the Seminar on behalf of our school, the institutions that support CLAYSS-Latin American Center for Service-Learning-backed
De www.me.gov.ar:
| In August 1997, a handful of schools had their pioneering experiences in the First International Seminar on Service Learning. Were the first steps to establish an education policy today has show solidarity 21,536 educational experiences developed by 13,500 educational institutions at all levels and types , as well as universities and other higher education institutions. Experiences in which learning takes place simultaneously in | |
classroom and the community in which I learned more significant to learning. 10 years after that first seminar, the National Education Act explicitly included the service-learning proposal (art. 32, 123 g, 1) , recognizing and valuing an innovation born of the creativity of thousands of teachers and students, and opening the door for many others to develop joint initiatives intentionally educational. Objectives
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