To introduce children at this time used a simple lapbook, you undertake not to them, because we would not have enough time but I would use it as a resource to teach the class. 1.Place
the cover a drawing of Fano to explain that Lent was a journey of 40 days that would take us through Easter. (Sorry I do not get the location of the picture now)
2. On the inside I used one of the Catholic Family drawings on Ash Wednesday, explaining their meaning.
3. I pointed stations Via Crucis , we count them and mentioned what it was and where they did. They asked me to show images of people performing it, as many have never done.
4. In the next part of lapbook placed the works of mercy, the corporal and spiritual. I explained that this was what Jesus wanted us to do during Lent to really show our love. Vali me a few pictures I got on the web to explain bit by bit into the following classes each. The printed and placed him a text to identify them. The get in
With the help of a book published by Editorial San Pablo also help me to explain in a simple manner and according to their age the Works of Mercy.
5. I made two pockets, one will place our petitions in time of prayer at the beginning of class and pocket the second place our Lenten purposes must go out as we explain the works of mercy.
6. With the help of a container placed in front of them sand, I began explaining about the 40 days he spent Jesus in the desert. I told them that Jesus prayed a lot, talked to his father to give him strength and help him accomplish his mission.
To represent the 5 weeks of Lent we use the candles, one per week, and we were putting counting, children love to tell. As the first week just lit one, we chose our request and perform the prayer with the lights off. Other versions
for this activity if you are interested you can visit my friend in Xhonane Catholic Family and get many beautiful resorts. I invited the children to undertake this activity with their parents at home, I hope that they can take a little seed of their faith and their love of Jesus to each of their homes.
In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen
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