Want to sleep in the same bed he used Saddam Hussein? Now you can do in a palace in the Iraqi province of Babil, for about $ 200 a night, but if a journalist have a special discount.
According to reports today the international Arabic newspaper "Al Hayat", the authorities of that province, a Shiite majority, decided to open to the public one of the palaces of Saddam Hussein and offer the possibility of sleeping in the same bed as the late dictator.
The general public must pay 250 thousand Iraqi dinars per night (215 dollars), but journalists need only pay 40 000 (34 dollars). "Al Hayat" does not explain what should be the privilege.
Saddam Hussein ruled Iraq between 1979 and 2003. He was overthrown following the U.S. led military invasion and executed on December 30, 2006 after being convicted of crimes against humanity by the Iraqi justice.

The dictator had dozens of luxurious palaces all over the country. The Babil is in the midst of a palm garden, across the river Euphrates, about 100 miles south of Baghdad.
Some of them have been occupied by government and others served as headquarters for foreign military forces are still in this country.
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