Google 3.0: Google improves search results
Despite being considered by many the best Internet browser available, Google is showing signs of renovation and development, even though most of these signals are almost always behind the scenes. On this occasion, has released two updates that say improve the results presented to the user in many ways, moving closer to what will probably become known as the Semantic Web, not only by searching for comparisons of words, but by analyzing and understanding what you're looking for.

This new semantic search allows Google to understand to some degree what the user is requesting. The example given on Google's blog is quite clear: If a user searches for the phrase "principles of physics", Google no longer will be inclined to do a search like "Principles + of + physics", but "understands "that asks the user what is specific, and present results that are directly related to the search. According to its developers, this improvement is already Available in 37 different versions of Google. However, we do not know what kind of impact will this improvement in the rankings of pages, or the amount of their visits.
The second improvement, a little more tangible than the first, is the ability to get "snippets" longer. The "snippets" are additional texts we see just below the blue underlined title that Google shows as a result. To avoid unnecessary clicking, this increase in length in the "description" so to speak, we should give a better idea if this page helps us or not.
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