For my work in school has touched me to read about San Juan Bosco, as it is one of the patrons of the school where I work. My children studied in a Lasallian school, I learned about St. John Baptist de La Salle and I studied with the nuns, Servants of the Blessed Sacrament, I saw the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament nuns and then completed my high school with Vincentian priests, tried to learn about San Vicente de Paul and devotion to the Miraculous Medal, but I recall a very devout life in my teens, so I went to a saint and a spiritual one another.
This week's activities have been on San Juan Bosco. Children in Grade 4 have had to make a Mind Map on the life of this saint and a timeline with the years most significant. I gave the questions to develop the map, the timeline had to do it using the example of one I made.
important thing, should do the job at hand, I have noticed that copying from your own handwriting at least read what they are writing. A group of 36 children who left me exhausted when I leave the classroom. 3 years I've been telling them about this saint so they were the ones who helped me take the class to develop the mental map that he had asked to do as reinforcement work. They liked the activity and some representatives became involved as I could tell by the comments made by children.
Here's the timeline I did.
And this is what the children made. They did it by hand and placed some others painted images.
Mental I put the map on the life of Don Bosco who was with a special program that got on the web and show them a picture of some of the maps children made by hand. placed here guide questions for the map and the document where the chronology used for the Time Line of Don Bosco.
This time I talked about Don Bosco's dog "Gray" and told some stories about him. Monday, 31 some of the students will make a dramatization of one of the episodes.
We close our class with a prayer, thanking God for people like Don Bosco and asking him to help us to imitate. Peace
and Good.
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