Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Most Common Lottery Numbers Drawn In Ohio

In our silver jubilee

During the toast
How easy was say 25 years but those years are pretty loaded. If you start think and take out accounts, you may notice you're wearing almost the same time, married, could you take the time living with your parents.
In all these years there are many beautiful moments that God has given us, the children, one of the most important. Spiritually
the greatest gift we have is Henry and I have started our conversion together, both at the same time is not this beautiful? We both took hands consenting to the presence of Christ in the midst of dos.Hace few years begin to serve as we had requested. Jesus Christ was being slowly towards him, so that our hearts were changed, for a full of love, where the kingdom. After walking in the service, sacrifice, began an intimacy with God. How beautiful it is to make silence together, pray in silence, getting up at dawn to pray when we are committed to a vigil, encourage them not to succumb to sleep, seeking God in silence and let him take over our will.!
Happy Anniversary, Love!
PS: We forgot to give us a kiss in our marriage. When we meet 20 years I have made the renewal of vows, mentally repeat, "not to forget the kiss." Score, I forgot again. I still have a chance at the Golden Jubilee!
The earnest
In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.


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